لوگ رفع ارور 9008

Start Download
Program Path:C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\prog_emmc_firehose_8992_lite.mbn
***** Working Folder:C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_13
Binary build date: Oct 31 2016 @ 22:51:05
QSAHARASERVER CALLED LIKE THIS: ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Qualcomm\QPST\bin\QSaharaServer.ex’Current working dir: C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_13
Sahara mappings:
2: amss.mbn
6: apps.mbn
8: dsp1.mbn
10: dbl.mbn
11: osbl.mbn
12: dsp2.mbn
16: efs1.mbn
17: efs2.mbn
20: efs3.mbn
21: sbl1.mbn
22: sbl2.mbn
23: rpm.mbn
25: tz.mbn
28: dsp3.mbn
29: acdb.mbn
30: wdt.mbn
31: mba.mbn
13: C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\prog_emmc_firehose_8992_lite.mbn
16:59:04: Requested ID 13, file: “C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\prog_emmc_firehose_8992_lite.mbn”
16:59:04: 273568 bytes transferred in 0.078000 seconds (3.3448MBps)
16:59:04: File transferred successfully
NOTE: Target requested image 13 which is DeviceProgrammer. Forcing QUIT. This is by design, ** All is well ** SUCCESS!!
16:59:04: Sahara protocol completed
Sending Programmer Finished
Switch To FireHose
Wait for 3 seconds…
Max Payload Size to Target:49152 Bytes
Device Type:eMMC
Disable Ack Raw Data Every N Packets
Skip Write:False
Always Validate:False
Use Verbose:False
***** Working Folder:C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_13
Base Version:
Binary build date: Oct 31 2016 @ 22:51:02
Incremental Build version:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Qualcomm\QPST\bin\fh_loader.exe –port=\\.\COM13 –sendxml=rawprogram0.xml –search_path=C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818 –noprompt –showpercentagecomplete –zlpawarehost=1 –memoryname=emmc
16:59:08: INFO: Current working dir (cwd): C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_13\
16:59:08: INFO: Showing network mappings to allow debugging
16:59:08: INFO:
16:59:08: INFO: Trying to store ‘rawprogram0.xml’ in string table
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ‘rawprogram0.xml’
16:59:08: INFO: User wants to talk to port ‘\\.\COM13’
16:59:08: INFO: Took 0.00000000 seconds to open port
16:59:08: INFO: Sorting TAGS to ensure order is <configure>,<erase>, others, <patch>,<power>
16:59:08: INFO: If you don’t want this, use –dontsorttags
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ‘pmic.mbn’
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ‘sbl1.mbn’
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ‘tz.mbn’
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ‘sdi.mbn’
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ‘hyp.mbn’
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ‘rpm.mbn’
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ’emmc_appsboot.mbn’
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ‘sbl1.mbn’
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ‘pmic.mbn’
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ‘tz.mbn’
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ‘hyp.mbn’
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ‘rpm.mbn’
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ’emmc_appsboot.mbn’
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ‘sdi.mbn’
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ‘laf.img’
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ‘gpt_main0.bin’
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ‘gpt_backup0.bin’
16:59:08: INFO:
Total to be tansferd with <program> or <read> is 45.70 MB
16:59:08: INFO: Sending <configure>
16:59:08: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Binary build date: Mar 3 2015 @ 19:29:19’
16:59:08: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Chip serial num: 6506127 (0x63468f)’
16:59:08: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Supported Functions: program configure nop firmwarewrite patch setbootablestoragedrive ufs emmc power benchmark read getstorageinfo getsha256digest erase peek poke ‘
16:59:08: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘fh.attrs.MaxPayloadSizeToTargetInBytes _ FIREHOSE_CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE’
16:59:08: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Calling hotplug_poll_device(‘MMC’)’
16:59:08: INFO: fh.attrs.MaxPayloadSizeToTargetInBytes = 8192
16:59:08: INFO: fh.attrs.MaxPayloadSizeToTargetInBytesSupported = 8192
16:59:08: INFO: Target returned NAK for your <configure> but it does not seem to be an error. This is ok, fh_loader.exe attributes updated
16:59:08: INFO: In handleProgram(‘pmic.mbn’)
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ‘pmic.mbn’
16:59:08: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:08: INFO: {<program> FILE: ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\pmic.mbn’}
16:59:08: INFO: {<program> (512.00 KB) 1024 sectors needed at location 229376 on LUN 0}
16:59:08: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:08: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘start 229376, num 1024’
16:59:08: INFO: FILE ACCESS SLOW!! 512.00 KB in 0.015 seconds ( 33.33 MBps) — Overall to target 0.125 seconds (4.00 MBps)
16:59:08: INFO: {percent files transferred 1.09%}
16:59:08: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Finished sector address 230400’
16:59:08: INFO:
16:59:08: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:08: INFO: ==================== {SUCCESS} ========================
16:59:08: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:08: INFO: {percent files transferred 1.09%}
16:59:08: INFO: In handleProgram(‘sbl1.mbn’)
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ‘sbl1.mbn’
16:59:08: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:08: INFO: {<program> FILE: ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\sbl1.mbn’}
16:59:08: INFO: {<program> (1.00 MB) 2048 sectors needed at location 230400 on LUN 0}
16:59:08: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:08: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘start 230400, num 2048’
16:59:08: INFO: FILE ACCESS SLOW!! 1.00 MB in 0.015 seconds ( 66.67 MBps) — Overall to target 0.234 seconds (4.27 MBps)
16:59:08: INFO: {percent files transferred 3.28%}
16:59:08: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Finished sector address 232448’
16:59:08: INFO:
16:59:08: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:08: INFO: ==================== {SUCCESS} ========================
16:59:08: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:08: INFO: {percent files transferred 3.28%}
16:59:08: INFO: In handleProgram(‘tz.mbn’)
16:59:08: INFO: Looking for file ‘tz.mbn’
16:59:08: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:08: INFO: {<program> FILE: ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\tz.mbn’}
16:59:08: INFO: {<program> (1.00 MB) 2048 sectors needed at location 232448 on LUN 0}
16:59:08: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘start 232448, num 2048’
16:59:09: INFO: FILE ACCESS SLOW!! 1.00 MB in 0.015 seconds ( 66.67 MBps) — Overall to target 0.235 seconds (4.26 MBps)
16:59:09: INFO: {percent files transferred 5.47%}
16:59:09: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Finished sector address 234496’
16:59:09: INFO:
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: ==================== {SUCCESS} ========================
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: {percent files transferred 5.47%}
16:59:09: INFO: In handleProgram(‘sdi.mbn’)
16:59:09: INFO: Looking for file ‘sdi.mbn’
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: {<program> FILE: ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\sdi.mbn’}
16:59:09: INFO: {<program> (512.00 KB) 1024 sectors needed at location 234496 on LUN 0}
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘start 234496, num 1024’
16:59:09: INFO: FILE ACCESS SLOW!! 512.00 KB in 0.015 seconds ( 33.33 MBps) — Overall to target 0.109 seconds (4.59 MBps)
16:59:09: INFO: {percent files transferred 6.56%}
16:59:09: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Finished sector address 235520’
16:59:09: INFO:
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: ==================== {SUCCESS} ========================
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: {percent files transferred 6.56%}
16:59:09: INFO: In handleProgram(‘hyp.mbn’)
16:59:09: INFO: Looking for file ‘hyp.mbn’
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: {<program> FILE: ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\hyp.mbn’}
16:59:09: INFO: {<program> (92.30 KB) 185 sectors needed at location 235520 on LUN 0}
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘start 235520, num 185’
16:59:09: INFO: FILE ACCESS SLOW!! 92.50 KB in 0.015 seconds ( 6.02 MBps) — Overall to target 0.015 seconds (6.02 MBps)
16:59:09: INFO: {percent files transferred 6.76%}
16:59:09: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Finished sector address 235705’
16:59:09: INFO:
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: ==================== {SUCCESS} ========================
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: {percent files transferred 6.76%}
16:59:09: INFO: In handleProgram(‘rpm.mbn’)
16:59:09: INFO: Looking for file ‘rpm.mbn’
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: {<program> FILE: ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\rpm.mbn’}
16:59:09: INFO: {<program> (512.00 KB) 1024 sectors needed at location 236544 on LUN 0}
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘start 236544, num 1024’
16:59:09: INFO: FILE ACCESS SLOW!! 512.00 KB in 0.015 seconds ( 33.33 MBps) — Overall to target 0.110 seconds (4.55 MBps)
16:59:09: INFO: {percent files transferred 7.86%}
16:59:09: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Finished sector address 237568′
16:59:09: INFO:
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: ==================== {SUCCESS} ========================
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: {percent files transferred 7.86%}
16:59:09: INFO: In handleProgram(’emmc_appsboot.mbn’)
16:59:09: INFO: Looking for file ’emmc_appsboot.mbn’
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: {<program> FILE: ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\emmc_appsboot.mbn’}
16:59:09: INFO: {<program> (560.29 KB) 1121 sectors needed at location 237568 on LUN 0}
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘start 237568, num 1121’
16:59:09: INFO: FILE ACCESS SLOW!! 560.50 KB in 0.015 seconds ( 36.49 MBps) — Overall to target 0.141 seconds (3.88 MBps)
16:59:09: INFO: {percent files transferred 9.05%}
16:59:09: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Finished sector address 238689’
16:59:09: INFO:
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: ==================== {SUCCESS} ========================
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: {percent files transferred 9.05%}
16:59:09: INFO: In handleProgram(‘sbl1.mbn’)
16:59:09: INFO: Looking for file ‘sbl1.mbn’
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: {<program> FILE: ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\sbl1.mbn’}
16:59:09: INFO: {<program> (1.00 MB) 2048 sectors needed at location 241664 on LUN 0}
16:59:09: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:09: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘start 241664, num 2048’
16:59:10: INFO: FILE ACCESS SLOW!! 1.00 MB in 0.015 seconds ( 66.67 MBps) — Overall to target 0.234 seconds (4.27 MBps)
16:59:10: INFO: {percent files transferred 11.24%}
16:59:10: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Finished sector address 243712’
16:59:10: INFO:
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: ==================== {SUCCESS} ========================
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: {percent files transferred 11.24%}
16:59:10: INFO: In handleProgram(‘pmic.mbn’)
16:59:10: INFO: Looking for file ‘pmic.mbn’
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: {<program> FILE: ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\pmic.mbn’}
16:59:10: INFO: {<program> (512.00 KB) 1024 sectors needed at location 243712 on LUN 0}
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘start 243712, num 1024’
16:59:10: INFO: FILE ACCESS SLOW!! 512.00 KB in 0.015 seconds ( 33.33 MBps) — Overall to target 0.125 seconds (4.00 MBps)
16:59:10: INFO: {percent files transferred 12.33%}
16:59:10: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Finished sector address 244736’
16:59:10: INFO:
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: ==================== {SUCCESS} ========================
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: {percent files transferred 12.33%}
16:59:10: INFO: In handleProgram(‘tz.mbn’)
16:59:10: INFO: Looking for file ‘tz.mbn’
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: {<program> FILE: ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\tz.mbn’}
16:59:10: INFO: {<program> (1.00 MB) 2048 sectors needed at location 244736 on LUN 0}
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘start 244736, num 2048’
16:59:10: INFO: FILE ACCESS SLOW!! 1.00 MB in 0.015 seconds ( 66.67 MBps) — Overall to target 0.234 seconds (4.27 MBps)
16:59:10: INFO: {percent files transferred 14.52%}
16:59:10: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Finished sector address 246784’
16:59:10: INFO:
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: ==================== {SUCCESS} ========================
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: {percent files transferred 14.52%}
16:59:10: INFO: In handleProgram(‘hyp.mbn’)
16:59:10: INFO: Looking for file ‘hyp.mbn’
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: {<program> FILE: ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\hyp.mbn’}
16:59:10: INFO: {<program> (92.30 KB) 185 sectors needed at location 246784 on LUN 0}
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘start 246784, num 185’
16:59:10: INFO: FILE ACCESS SLOW!! 92.50 KB in 0.015 seconds ( 6.02 MBps) — Overall to target 0.016 seconds (5.65 MBps)
16:59:10: INFO: {percent files transferred 14.72%}
16:59:10: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Finished sector address 246969’
16:59:10: INFO:
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: ==================== {SUCCESS} ========================
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: {percent files transferred 14.72%}
16:59:10: INFO: In handleProgram(‘rpm.mbn’)
16:59:10: INFO: Looking for file ‘rpm.mbn’
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: {<program> FILE: ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\rpm.mbn’}
16:59:10: INFO: {<program> (512.00 KB) 1024 sectors needed at location 247808 on LUN 0}
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘start 247808, num 1024’
16:59:10: INFO: FILE ACCESS SLOW!! 512.00 KB in 0.015 seconds ( 33.33 MBps) — Overall to target 0.109 seconds (4.59 MBps)
16:59:10: INFO: {percent files transferred 15.81%}
16:59:10: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Finished sector address 248832′
16:59:10: INFO:
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: ==================== {SUCCESS} ========================
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: {percent files transferred 15.81%}
16:59:10: INFO: In handleProgram(’emmc_appsboot.mbn’)
16:59:10: INFO: Looking for file ’emmc_appsboot.mbn’
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: {<program> FILE: ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\emmc_appsboot.mbn’}
16:59:10: INFO: {<program> (560.29 KB) 1121 sectors needed at location 248832 on LUN 0}
16:59:10: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:10: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘start 248832, num 1121’
16:59:11: INFO: FILE ACCESS SLOW!! 560.50 KB in 0.015 seconds ( 36.49 MBps) — Overall to target 0.125 seconds (4.38 MBps)
16:59:11: INFO: {percent files transferred 17.01%}
16:59:11: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Finished sector address 249953’
16:59:11: INFO:
16:59:11: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:11: INFO: ==================== {SUCCESS} ========================
16:59:11: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:11: INFO: {percent files transferred 17.01%}
16:59:11: INFO: In handleProgram(‘sdi.mbn’)
16:59:11: INFO: Looking for file ‘sdi.mbn’
16:59:11: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:11: INFO: {<program> FILE: ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\sdi.mbn’}
16:59:11: INFO: {<program> (512.00 KB) 1024 sectors needed at location 252928 on LUN 0}
16:59:11: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:11: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘start 252928, num 1024’
16:59:11: INFO: FILE ACCESS SLOW!! 512.00 KB in 0.015 seconds ( 33.33 MBps) — Overall to target 0.125 seconds (4.00 MBps)
16:59:11: INFO: {percent files transferred 18.10%}
16:59:11: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Finished sector address 253952’
16:59:11: INFO:
16:59:11: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:11: INFO: ==================== {SUCCESS} ========================
16:59:11: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:11: INFO: {percent files transferred 18.10%}
16:59:11: INFO: In handleProgram(‘laf.img’)
16:59:11: INFO: Looking for file ‘laf.img’
16:59:11: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:11: INFO: {<program> FILE: ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\laf.img’}
16:59:11: INFO: {<program> (37.40 MB) 76588 sectors needed at location 393216 on LUN 0}
16:59:11: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:11: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘start 393216, num 76588’
16:59:13: INFO: Overall to target 2.000 seconds (4.08 MBps)
16:59:13: INFO: {percent files transferred 35.95%}
16:59:15: INFO: Overall to target 4.000 seconds (4.07 MBps)
16:59:15: INFO: {percent files transferred 53.75%}
16:59:17: INFO: Overall to target 6.000 seconds (4.06 MBps)
16:59:17: INFO: {percent files transferred 71.40%}
16:59:19: INFO: Overall to target 8.000 seconds (4.06 MBps)
16:59:19: INFO: {percent files transferred 89.11%}
16:59:20: INFO: Overall to target 9.219 seconds (4.06 MBps)
16:59:20: INFO: {percent files transferred 99.93%}
16:59:20: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Finished sector address 469804’
16:59:20: INFO:
16:59:20: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:20: INFO: ==================== {SUCCESS} ========================
16:59:20: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:20: INFO: {percent files transferred 99.93%}
16:59:20: INFO: In handleProgram(‘gpt_main0.bin’)
16:59:20: INFO: Looking for file ‘gpt_main0.bin’
16:59:20: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:20: INFO: {<program> FILE: ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\gpt_main0.bin’}
16:59:20: INFO: {<program> (17.00 KB) 34 sectors needed at location 0 on LUN 0}
16:59:20: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:20: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘start 0, num 34’
16:59:20: INFO: FILE ACCESS SLOW!! 17.00 KB in 0.015 seconds ( 1.11 MBps) — Overall to target 0.010 seconds (1.66 MBps)
16:59:20: INFO: {percent files transferred 99.96%}
16:59:20: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Finished sector address 34’
16:59:20: INFO:
16:59:20: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:20: INFO: ==================== {SUCCESS} ========================
16:59:20: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:20: INFO: {percent files transferred 99.96%}
16:59:20: INFO: In handleProgram(‘gpt_backup0.bin’)
16:59:20: INFO: Looking for file ‘gpt_backup0.bin’
16:59:20: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:20: INFO: {<program> FILE: ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\gpt_backup0.bin’}
16:59:20: INFO: {<program> (16.50 KB) 33 sectors needed at location 0 on LUN 0}
16:59:20: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:20: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘start 61071327, num 33’
16:59:20: INFO: FILE ACCESS SLOW!! 16.50 KB in 0.015 seconds ( 1.07 MBps) — Overall to target 0.010 seconds (1.61 MBps)
16:59:20: INFO: {percent files transferred 100.00%}
16:59:20: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Finished sector address 61071360’
16:59:20: INFO:
16:59:20: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:20: INFO: ==================== {SUCCESS} ========================
16:59:20: INFO: =======================================================
16:59:20: INFO: {percent files transferred 100.00%}
16:59:20: INFO: ==============================================================
16:59:20: INFO: Files used and their paths
16:59:20: INFO: 1 ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_13\port_trace.txt’
16:59:20: INFO: 2 ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\rawprogram0.xml’
16:59:20: INFO: 3 ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\pmic.mbn’
16:59:20: INFO: 4 ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\sbl1.mbn’
16:59:20: INFO: 5 ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\tz.mbn’
16:59:20: INFO: 6 ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\sdi.mbn’
16:59:20: INFO: 7 ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\hyp.mbn’
16:59:20: INFO: 8 ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\rpm.mbn’
16:59:20: INFO: 9 ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\emmc_appsboot.mbn’
16:59:20: INFO: 10 ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\laf.img’
16:59:20: INFO: 11 ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\gpt_main0.bin’
16:59:20: INFO: 12 ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\gpt_backup0.bin’
16:59:20: INFO: _ (done)
16:59:20: INFO: | |
16:59:20: INFO: __| | ___ _ __ ___
16:59:20: INFO: / _` |/ _ \| ‘_ \ / _ \
16:59:20: INFO: | (_| | (_) | | | | __/
16:59:20: INFO: \__,_|\___/|_| |_|\___|
16:59:20: INFO: {All Finished Successfully}
16:59:20: INFO: Overall to target 12.625 seconds (3.62 MBps)
16:59:20: INFO: {percent files transferred 100.00%}
Writing log to ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_13\port_trace.txt’, might take a minute
Log is ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_13\port_trace.txt’
***** Working Folder:C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_13
Base Version:
Binary build date: Oct 31 2016 @ 22:51:02
Incremental Build version:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Qualcomm\QPST\bin\fh_loader.exe –port=\\.\COM13 –sendxml=patch0.xml –search_path=C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818 –noprompt –showpercentagecomplete –zlpawarehost=1 –memoryname=emmc
16:59:22: INFO: Current working dir (cwd): C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_13\
16:59:22: INFO: Showing network mappings to allow debugging
16:59:22: INFO:
16:59:22: INFO: Trying to store ‘patch0.xml’ in string table
16:59:22: INFO: Looking for file ‘patch0.xml’
16:59:22: INFO: User wants to talk to port ‘\\.\COM13’
16:59:22: INFO: Took 0.00000000 seconds to open port
16:59:22: INFO: Sorting TAGS to ensure order is <configure>,<erase>, others, <patch>,<power>
16:59:22: INFO: If you don’t want this, use –dontsorttags
16:59:22: INFO: Sending <configure>
16:59:22: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘fh.attrs.MaxPayloadSizeToTargetInBytes _ FIREHOSE_CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE’
16:59:22: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Calling hotplug_poll_device(‘MMC’)’
16:59:22: INFO: fh.attrs.MaxPayloadSizeToTargetInBytes = 8192
16:59:22: INFO: fh.attrs.MaxPayloadSizeToTargetInBytesSupported = 8192
16:59:22: INFO: Target returned NAK for your <configure> but it does not seem to be an error. This is ok, fh_loader.exe attributes updated
16:59:22: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Patched sector 15 with 03A3DFDE’
16:59:22: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Patched sector 61071340 with 03A3DFDE’
16:59:22: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Patched sector 1 with 03A3DFDE’
16:59:22: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Patched sector 61071359 with 03A3DFDE’
16:59:22: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Patched sector 1 with 03A3DFFF’
16:59:22: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Patched sector 61071359 with 03A3DFFF’
16:59:22: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Patched sector 61071359 with 03A3DFDF’
16:59:22: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘crc start sector 2, over bytes 7168’
16:59:22: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Patched sector 1 with C75ADFEF’
16:59:22: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘crc start sector 61071327, over bytes 7168’
16:59:22: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Patched sector 61071359 with C75ADFEF’
16:59:22: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Patched sector 1 with 00000000’
16:59:22: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘crc start sector 1, over bytes 92’
16:59:22: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Patched sector 1 with 8149E319’
16:59:22: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Patched sector 61071359 with 00000000’
16:59:22: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘crc start sector 61071359, over bytes 92’
16:59:22: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Patched sector 61071359 with 3D66B311’
16:59:22: INFO: ==============================================================
16:59:22: INFO: Files used and their paths
16:59:22: INFO: 1 ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_13\port_trace.txt’
16:59:22: INFO: 2 ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\Downloads\Lg G4 Qualcomm recover\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\8992_QFIL_signing_H818\patch0.xml’
16:59:22: INFO: _ (done)
16:59:22: INFO: | |
16:59:22: INFO: __| | ___ _ __ ___
16:59:22: INFO: / _` |/ _ \| ‘_ \ / _ \
16:59:22: INFO: | (_| | (_) | | | | __/
16:59:22: INFO: \__,_|\___/|_| |_|\___|
16:59:22: INFO: {All Finished Successfully}
16:59:22: INFO: FILE ACCESS SLOW!! 0.00 B in 0.015 seconds ( 0.00 Bps) — Overall to target 0.484 seconds (0.00 Bps)
Writing log to ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_13\port_trace.txt’, might take a minute
Log is ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_13\port_trace.txt’
***** Working Folder:C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_13
Base Version:
Binary build date: Oct 31 2016 @ 22:51:02
Incremental Build version:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Qualcomm\QPST\bin\fh_loader.exe –port=\\.\COM13 –setactivepartition=0 –noprompt –showpercentagecomplete –zlpawarehost=1 –memoryname=emmc
16:59:23: INFO: Current working dir (cwd): C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_13\
16:59:23: INFO: Showing network mappings to allow debugging
16:59:23: INFO: User wants to talk to port ‘\\.\COM13’
16:59:23: INFO: Took 0.00000000 seconds to open port
16:59:23: INFO: Sorting TAGS to ensure order is <configure>,<erase>, others, <patch>,<power>
16:59:23: INFO: If you don’t want this, use –dontsorttags
16:59:23: INFO: Sending <configure>
16:59:23: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘fh.attrs.MaxPayloadSizeToTargetInBytes _ FIREHOSE_CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE’
16:59:23: INFO: TARGET SAID: ‘Calling hotplug_poll_device(‘MMC’)’
16:59:23: INFO: fh.attrs.MaxPayloadSizeToTargetInBytes = 8192
16:59:23: INFO: fh.attrs.MaxPayloadSizeToTargetInBytesSupported = 8192
16:59:23: INFO: Target returned NAK for your <configure> but it does not seem to be an error. This is ok, fh_loader.exe attributes updated
16:59:23: INFO: Sending <setbootablestoragedrive>
16:59:23: INFO: ==============================================================
16:59:23: INFO: Files used and their paths
16:59:23: INFO: 1 ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_13\port_trace.txt’
16:59:23: INFO: _ (done)
16:59:23: INFO: | |
16:59:23: INFO: __| | ___ _ __ ___
16:59:23: INFO: / _` |/ _ \| ‘_ \ / _ \
16:59:23: INFO: | (_| | (_) | | | | __/
16:59:23: INFO: \__,_|\___/|_| |_|\___|
16:59:23: INFO: {All Finished Successfully}
16:59:23: INFO: FILE ACCESS SLOW!! 0.00 B in 0.015 seconds ( 0.00 Bps) — Overall to target 0.094 seconds (0.00 Bps)
Writing log to ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_13\port_trace.txt’, might take a minute
Log is ‘C:\Users\mohandesbiaziat-pc\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_13\port_trace.txt’
Download Succeed
Finish Download
